
This disclaimer is per U.S. Government’s updated requirements.

The profits from futures trading and options trading are subjected to substantial market risks. Both future trading and options trading depends upon countless factors that control this volatile market; therefore, as the yields are gratifying, there is always a significant risk of vexatious losses as well.

Investors should be acquainted with market risks and primed to invest at their will. It is of more significant benefit for investors only to invest additional money in such a volatile market if they are confident enough that the result will be positive. We don’t provide any account or services regarding the prediction of the performance of any commodity, future, or options trading. You should trade in any of these commodities on your own risk while keeping in mind the risk of profits and loss. We never approach investors for investment or propose for either future trading or options trading.

We don’t give any assurance that any investment will either lead to fulfilling profits or unwanted losses. If you are indulging in any future tradings, then any piece of information or past performance of the account won’t ensure the same results. Stating it simply, the previous potentiality of the trading commodity doesn’t apply to its future performance.

CFTC RULE 4.41 – Particular limitations are there that bound speculative execution and predictions based on previous market trends. A hypothetical data cannot predict the performance of any product that you trade. Such predictions are not based on existing track records. Instead, these predictions are made by using replicated track records, which never depict substantial trading. As the trading doesn’t occur in reality, the results may be countervailing for market factors like liquidity risks. Such speculations don’t determine that any investment in such accounts will either lead to potential profits or unexpected losses. Because there are specific differences between predictions and actual results, We don’t provide any type of guarantee that any investment will either lead to fulfilling profits or unwanted losses. The hypothetical predictions about trading and market trends don’t involve many market factors like financial risks, affecting actual trading. Thus, you can’t solely rely on such information.

Any guidance/instructions/advice delivered through this website or any expert advisory or e-book bought from this website is intended for educational purposes and mere learning only. You can’t hold any distributor or broker liable for any losses or profits. Neither we intend to, nor we provide any monetary advice to anyone. Ideas, declarations, and narrations on the website or forwarded through various mediums don’t assure any type of profits. We or any of our entities are not responsible for any sort of loss as your actions are your responsibility.

This disclaimer or any other data on the website is a call or an invitation to engage or invest in buying and selling options or futures. We don’t provide any type of legal services or financial advice to anyone to invest in such savings that can result in profound financial implications for them in case of severe potential losses. None of the data published on the website or circulated through other channels is suggestive of future profits or losses for any account. In addition to this, the information about the past performance of any trading processes doesn’t predict or guarantee the same results for the future.