Best Forex Robots for 2022

Comparing the best fully-automated Forex robots & expert advisors with live statistics.

The most profitable trading systems right now.

Why do we help you with rating robots?

Every year we help our readers to summarize the outgoing year and choose at least five robots with which you can start or continue trading next year, but most importantly, you can trust them with your money. During the year, we analyzed a large number of fully automated robots, which allowed us to choose the best of them.

Top 6 Best Automated Forex Trading Systems

1. TechBerry

Making its way into the financial markets back in 2015, TechBerry is currently the top name in the social trading platforms. It offers an eye-catching 11.2% gain each month with a small service fee allowing subscribers to make a decent output on their funds. The platform works by computing a trading strategy after collecting trading data from over 100k+ MT 4 accounts.

Subscribers can choose from a range of available packages. There is also a free trial that can be attained with a minimum capital of $5000. All funds are kept within FIDC-insured banks, and 100% loss reimbursement is available with the Infinite package.

  • High gains on your capital
  • Plan configurator to calculate the returns
  • Access to a personal manager
  • Variety of membership plans

TechBerry Review

2. Forex Cyborg

Forex cyborg is a fully automated multi-currency forex trading system that trades on the M15 time frame. The algorithm comes with an adjustable money management setting and works on MetaTrader 4 platform. It includes technical analysis features to ensure impressive profitability and dynamic adaptation to market conditions. 

Forex Cyborg myfxbook verified real live trading account chart

The expert advisor is available for an asking price of €499.99 and €599.99 and has a 30-day money-back guarantee. Users can ask their queries by filling out the form available on the website or sending an email directly to the author. The robot shows an average rating of 3.7 based on one review on Trustpilot. 

  • The robot has an Easy installation setup 
  • It comes with a detailed verified backtest and live records
  • Users can avail of 24/7 customer support by the author 
  • It trades on multiple currency pairs 
  • The expert advisor has lifetime updates and unlimited demo licenses

Forex Cyborg Review

3. Automic Trader

Automic Trader, the product of LeapFX, is a fully automated trading tool that comes with account protection to secure your funds. The algorithm trades on 6+ currency pairs and is beginner-friendly. It comes with a yearly membership that will settle you for $497, while a lifetime plan is available for $697. There is a detailed manual and the best recommendations available for users to maximize profit. The robot assures 20% to 30% monthly on low risk as claimed by the developer

  • The developer provides full customer support
  • It comes with free updates and the best recommendations 
  • There is a 30-day money-back guarantee available for the expert advisor
  • Multiple packages are present for purchasing 

Automic Trader Review

4. DynaScalp

DynaScalp is a 100% automated trading tool that comes with a news filter and does not use a grid and martingale strategies. The algorithm is user-friendly and uses an intelligent trailing system that uses a stop-loss system to minimize the loss. The robot is available at $247/year and $397 for everlasting membership. There is a 30 days refund policy for peace of mind. 

The algorithm trades on the MT 4 platform and shows an amazing gain of +884.36% with a 72% win rate, as seen on Myfxbook. The system comes with pre-installed adjustable settings and technical support.

DynaScalp myfxbook verified real live trading account chart
  • Excellent live records
  • Built-in news filter
  • The robot comes with free updates

DynaScalp Review

5. FxStabilizer

FxStabilizer trades on multiple currency pairs and comes with two different modes, i.e., Durable and Turbo. The developers are keen to offer multiple backtests and live trading records to verify the system’s performance. Traders can purchase the system for $539 and $739. The first can trade on 8 different instruments, while the latter can work on 6 currency pairs. There is a 30-day money-back guarantee.

FxStabilizer myfxbook verified real live trading account chart
  • Support for ECN brokers
  • It can trade on any instrument
  • There are multiple filters incorporated to avoid trading in poor conditions
  • Easy installation

FxStabilizer Review

6. Forex Fury

Forex Fury is compatible with FIFO brokers on both MT 4 and 5 platforms. The algorithm is pre-optimized by the developer to work with low, medium, and high-risk strategies. It can work on any instrument with effective money management. There are multiple filters incorporated within to avoid the risk of high drawdown. Market participants can easily install the product within 5 minutes with the help of an installation guide. Currently, the EA has over 10000 users and comes with free updates for a lifetime.

Forex Fury myfxbook verified real live trading account chart
  • Multiple live and backtesting records
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • It can work with two different modes

Forex Fury Review





How does Forex fully-automated robot perform?

Fully-automated robots are focused on trading various currency pairs to get as much profit as possible. Depends on strategies and patterns robots analyzing indicators look for the best points to get in and out of a trade. 

  • Analyzing indicators. Experienced traders work with analyzing many indicators to find the best point to start or finish a trade. During building the robot they make this analysis go automatically. It allows even for beginner traders don’t miss these intro and outro points.
  • Patterns and machine learning. The well-designed robot usually has some different patterns to trade in various situations. The most expensive and successful ones have machine learning or even AI core to adopt for market changes.
  • Trading on MetaTrader 4 platform. The MetaTrader 4 is so popular platform across the robot developers. Several of the most expensive ones can be deployed even on the MetaTrader 5 or other platforms.
  • Money management system. Usually, the system includes two or three features. They’re: take profit, stop-loss, and hard stop-loss. Take profit feature allows a trader to trade as many pips as possible to get max profit. The stop-loss system is designed to get out of trades where the robot loses the account. It’s one of the most important features across all ones because saving the account balance becomes full time and fully-automated duty of the robot because it trades 24 hours a day. So, the trader can’t do this effectively by his or her own for a whole day.
  • Chart building. Building charts is very expensive features that let robots nake more complicated and more successful decision about trading discipline.
  • Beginners-friendly. Most of the robot buyers are beginners and this is okay. The sellers and devs know this so they allow getting smoothly started for them. Usually, there are provided support and educational materials.

What should I check to pick a robot on my own?

Every robot has got some indicators that tell us almost everything about that’s up with the robot we’re looking at.

  • Profitability. All of us here because of profit. So, it matters how much we’ll be able to get every month. Great robots usually provide 8-12% of the monthly gain. As bigger, it is that better it is for us. Please, pay attention to the fact, even great robots can’t systematically do +20 or even +30% in a month.
  • Drawdowns. Every level of DDs that is less than 20% is good for you. The drawdowns level between 2% and 20% is completely up to applied strategy and risk management. 
  • Currency pairs, Bitcoin, Gold. Of course, you may prefer some currency pairs over the rest ones. It’s ok. There’s nothing special, especially if you trade them for a while. You even can pick a robot to learn how to be the better trader of these currency pairs. 
  • Weekly, Monthly gains. The level of gain is important because it’s money. So you can check on the official myfxbook or fxblue pages of a robot how it performs with different currency pairs which one’s are the best and ready-to-go.
  • Days live. It’s a very important factor even if it doesn’t look like this. A lot of young enough robots, especially in the first half of the year, show great results, because it’s the main marketing period, but after that, they go down or even become scammers. 
  • Pricing and Refunds. A good robot can be cheaper than $300-1500. Just face it, what’s the reason for devs to sell a good EA for nothing money if it is profitable?
  • Comments. If the robot sells via official robot sites, you can easily find some comments and people discussions about the effectiveness of the robot. Usually, good robots have average good comments. 
  • Rating across the google. You can google the name of the robot to look at other articles to compare ratings across the web and create the more complicated picture about what’s up with the robot you want to try.
  • Support. Devs provide support of the products they sell, but support so much varies depends on companies. Some of them provide welcome and knowledgable support, others don’t.
  • Presentation. It has to explain to you everything about strategies, money management, etc. The presentation doesn’t have to push you to buy the robot immediately. If you feel you’re forced to make a purchase here and how these guys probably scammers. A Well-traded robot doesn’t need to be pushed because its results tell about itself.

Pros of fully-automated trading on Forex


  • Beginners-friendly. It’s pros and cons at the same time. The good side is that you don’t need any special knowledge to get started. The bad side is that you don’t have special knowledge, as well as, trading experience to found out when the robot should be stopped on the real account because it goes to become a scam.
  • Duties. The robot does for you many of everyday duties. So, it saves a lot of time for you to spend it however you want.
  • Improving strategy. If you run some of the strategies you can like to improve them by buying the robot and analyze its performing and comparing its with your results.
  • Demo account testing. Most of the robots let you test its functionality on the demo account before you decide to run it on the real one.