Cryptocurrencies are one of, if not the most volatile financial assets known to man. Amazingly, some of these coins have little to no real-life utility, yet they still manage to rise in value due to the hype around them. For that reason, crypto traders often have to keep up to date with news and happenings concerning their favorite coins.
The good news is there is no shortage of websites that report up to the minute crypto news as they break. However, there are also some malicious individuals who spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt (commonly referred to as FUD in crypto circles), all in a bid to shift the prices of these tokens their way. For that reason, there is a dire need to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to these websites. Here is a list of the top news sources you can trust.
1. Cointelegraph
Our first choice is a renowned market leader in cryptocurrency news reporting. Their news section is well sorted into Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins. On this tab, you can also find news about developments in the world of blockchain, the business angle of crypto, as well as updates on regulatory measures and policies from around the world. They also have news on NFTs, decentralized finance (DeFi), and crypto adoption.
This website features a markets section that contains market news and up-to-date analyses of various cryptocurrencies. It also contains various crypto price indices and detailed price analyses of the top 10 crypto coins.
Notably, Cointelegraph keeps a list of the top 100 crypto influencers per year. It also posts a variety of published research papers on crypto and blockchain technology. There is a cryptopedia tab that contains introductory information on everything crypto – from how to trade them, NFTs, DeFi, blockchains; you name it.
Of all their bells and whistles, one that stands out is their markets pro feature. This is a subscription service that uses AI to provide data-driven market insights on any cryptocurrency of your choice. This would definitely come in handy when trading these assets.
Key highlights:
- Dedicated news section on all matters crypto.
- Up to date market analysis.
- Top 100 crypto influencers per year.
- Cryptopedia section for beginners.
- Markets pro for data-driven market insights.
2. CoinDesk
CoinDesk is one of the most renowned websites among crypto enthusiasts. In addition to informing their audience on any news concerning the most popular cryptocurrencies, it also has a dedicated education section. The latter section contains several articles and guides for beginners in this space. Their dedicated team of expert writers also post regular opinion pieces and investment advice. If you’re not a big fan of the written word, worry not, for this site also has a dedicated podcasts section as well as daily and weekly TV shows.
This website also contains a calendar detailing all past, present, and future events in the world of crypto. In addition, there’s a tech section for all upcoming additions in blockchain technology. Their policy tab highlights news on regulatory efforts from around the world. They also have an indices section that tracks the top 500 cryptocurrencies’ performance.
Key highlights:
- Up-to-the-minute crypto news.
- Informative, educational segment.
- Variety of opinion pieces from expert writers.
- Informative podcasts and TV shows.
- Crypto events calendar.
- Price indices for top 500 cryptos.
- Updates on regulations and policies from around the world.
3. CoinPricePredict
This is a website that provides price predictions for a wide variety of cryptocurrencies. What’s more, users on the site can make their own predictions which are then tallied and averaged. The site also contains news on all your favorite cryptocurrencies, whether long-established or upcoming projects. It also provides detailed reviews of popular exchanges, crypto wallets, trading bots, and portfolio trackers.
You can also find a myriad of educational articles on CoinPricePredict if you’re a beginner. There’s also a section that tracks live market prices, market cap, and daily turnover of all your favorite cryptos.
Key highlights:
- User-generated price predictions.
- Crypto news as they break.
- Reviews of exchanges, wallets, EAs, and more.
- Educational articles.
- Live market prices.
4. CryptoSlate
This is a website that will grant you access to trending crypto news hot off the press. In addition to this, they have several informative pieces on investment, analytical articles, technology pieces as well as opinion pieces from their army of expert writers. The good people at CryptoSlate also maintain a regularly updated ranking of cryptocurrencies, complete with stats such as highest daily volume, biggest gainers and losers, the whole nine yards.
Key highlights:
- Access to all trending crypto news.
- Investment pieces, detailed analyses, tech updates, and opinion pieces.
- Live crypto rankings with daily volumes, biggest losers/gainers.
5. TheBlockCrypto
This is a famed website that delivers breaking news on all notable happenings in the world of crypto. In addition to this, you can find market data and detailed analytics on all major coins and altcoins. They also publish research papers on various digital assets and trends in the blockchain space.
TheBlockCrypto also features a calendar of events and webinars that they host right on the website. There are also numerous podcasts where they interview notable players in the crypto industry. What’s more, they have a subscription-based daily newsletter on digital assets, crypto, and fintech, and if you like, you can opt for their text alerts.
Key highlights:
- Up to the minute crypto news updates.
- Market data and analytics on all your favorite coins.
- Events calendar.
- Podcasts with notable interviewees.
- Daily newsletter and text alerts service.
There are several crypto news websites on the internet today, following the widespread adoption of these digital assets around the world. Be that as it may, not all of these websites will provide you with accurate, unbiased information. For that reason, we found it necessary to sieve through them all and bring you the cream of the crop, those with only the best offers. You can never go wrong with any of our top 5 websites.